
The One Thing You Should NEVER Do to Get Rid of Moles!

If you are in any way embarrassed with moles or wondering what is the best way to get rid of stubborn moles then read this article to the end.

Let a former Mole Sufferer show you how to permanently get rid of embarrassing moles following these 23 Natural Home Remedies.

You are about to discover the most powerful secret to get rid of moles permanently following this Natural Mole Removal Treatments In Just 7 Days.

Her name is Rachel Rohanna. She Got Rid Of Moles following these methods".

These mole removal methods worked not only for her but also for hundreds of others who followed these "home-remedies". She has now revealed these secrets in her book, Mole Removal Made Easy.

Here are some of what Mole Removal Made Easy will teach you;

  • The warning signs of a possibly malignant mole. See how to clearly recognize any possible concerns quickly and accurately!

  • Did you know that melanoma is the fastest growing cancer for women between the ages of twenty and thirty-nine? How much does genetics play a part in your risk of developing cancer? Find out inside.

  • Good signs revealed... for instance, are you aware that moles with hair sprouting from them are typically healthier. Cancer, like melanoma, kills hair follicles.

    So that hair is a good sign that you likely have a mole that is not mutating into something dangerous.

  • Are moles genetic? Should you carefully look at your family history when you are examining your moles? Does your family have a history of having cancerous moles and
    is this important
    to know?

  • WARNING: The ONE THING you should never do when removing your moles or warts...
    it's just not worth the potential problems this can cause you!

  • Uncover the 7 Most Telling "Red-Flag" ALERTS that indicate your mole might be more serious and you need to get a medical doctor to take a look at it - the sooner the better!

  • Do I need a biopsy? What exactly IS a biopsy? Do they hurt? Am I given an anesthetic for a biopsy?
    How long do results take to get back? All covered in chapter #3 along with a list of questions to ask your doctor about your moles in general.

    Don't worry - the good news is that the majority of the time none of this is needed - it is good you now have "Say Goodbye to Moles" handy if it is though, agreed?

  • More of your Questions Answered like... If my biopsy comes back positive for cancer, what are the treatments for skin cancer? How successful are
    they? Will I need chemotherapy or additional medications? Will I have to take off of work? Everything is covered inside for you...

  • If your biopsy comes back negative, will your insurance company cover the removal of the mole anyway? Many won't! What are your options
    for removal then?

    This is what "Say Goodbye to Moles" is written for
    - to show you safe, natural methods you can use and compare to the medical solutions available... inside, you see all of the options available and decide for yourself what's best for you.

  • What kind of doctor should you visit to get your moles looked at? Your family practitioner? A Dermatologist? A Cosmetic Surgeon? Each is carefully
    reviewed for you inside - in less than 7 minutes, you'll determine for yourself which is best for you.

  • Uncovered! Proven Natural remedies and Holistic Mole removal methods --currently almost two dozen of them inside for you to use! All proven, tested and documented to work. 23 Natural Home Remedies Revealed!

    Click Mole Removal Made Easy for instant access.

Monday 19 September 2011

Quick and Safe Ways To Remove Your Moles

Even though moles may be harmless and painless without any medical need to be removed, they can be embarrassing especially if they are where everybody will notice them. If this is the case with you then you now get rid of them immediately and regain your self-confidence.
There are several ways you can use to remove your moles. But before considering removing your moles using any of the methods discussed below, it is very important to seek advice from your dermatologist or doctor to make sure that it is a mole and not a related condition.

1 Medical Mole Removal Methods

There are several medical options for removing moles. Your doctor is in best position to recommend the best method for you after necessary examination.
Cutting moles out
- The simplest and most common method of removing moles is to cut them out. This should be done by your doctor. The doctor numbs the area with an anesthetic and then carefully cuts around the moles using a scalpel.

The advantage of cutting moles out is that it is quick and easy. The disadvantage is that it may leave behind scars and you might not want this especially if the moles are in prominent places such as the face. However if the mole has developed into cancerous cells the doctor will remove all the moles and the surrounding tissue no matter where the mole is located n the body.

·         Using laser technology - the second option to your doctor is using laser technology.  The doctor attacks the surface of the mole with a high intensity laser beam. This will bleach out the pigment in the mole and makes the moles not to be noticed on the skin. Laser treatment will not make the moles disappear completely; they merely shrink the moles or make them lighter in color and therefore less noticeable.

This is one of the preferred methods for dealing with moles on the face because there is no scarring after the treatment and it is quick and simple to perform. However this method is not appropriate for moles suspected to be cancerous.

2 Natural Methods

There are several natural remedies that can be used to get rid of moles completely. Always confirm with your doctor that it is a mole and nothing else before attempting to remove a mole using natural methods. 
Tea tree oil mole removal
- tea tree oil is a well known antiseptic which is easy and simple to use. Dab a few drops of the oil on the mole several time a day for some weeks. The moles will eventually fall off by itself.

·         Castor oil mole removal - put a few drops of the oil on some cotton wool or a piece of tissue and gently wipe over the mole. Repeat this twice a day for several weeks. The mole starts to dry up and eventually falls off.

·         Apple cider vinegar – put a few drops of the juice some cotton and use the cotton swab to wipe the mole down. Repeat this several times throughout the day for some weeks and you will begin to notice some changes.

·         Baking soda – baking soda is usually combined with another product like apple cider vinegar or castor oil to form a paste. Apply the paste a few times a day to the mole, and then cover it with a small bandage. Repeat this for a few weeks and the mole should eventually dry up and fall off the skin by itself.

·         Garlic or onion juice – apply a few drops of onion juice to the mole two or three times per day and after a few weeks the mole begins to shrink and disappear.

·         Dandelion Roots mole removal - apply the liquid extract f dandelion root on the mole at least three times a day. Repeat this for some weeks and you should begin seeing results.


Wednesday 14 September 2011

What You Need To Know About Red Moles

Moles are just small areas where more pigment cells have accumulated on the skin’s surface. They are not usually painful, may not be removed and are generally no cause for concern except for cosmetics reasons.

However, moles can be embarrassing if located in a prominent position and you want them removed.
Though the exact causes of moles are not known, it is suspected to have a genetic link; i.e. having lots of moles on the skin seems to run in families.

Generally most moles are brown, but there are some that appear red in color. These types of moles are medically known cherry angioma and are mostly found more on the torso rather than on the face or limbs. They are blemishes arising from small blood vessels that supply blood to the skin known as capillaries.

Even though red moles may look alarming, they are no more dangerous than the normal moles. There may be no reason to remove red moles unless they are located on embarrassing parts of the skin that creates a feeling of self-consciousness or if they cause you irritation by rubbing against clothing.

There seems to be a direct link with being exposed to the sun and developing red moles on skin.
Since these types of moles are closely linked to the blood vessels, they usually bleed heavily when cut. If you have red moles on your skin which are causing you embarrassment, do not try to remove these sorts of moles at home on your own, speak to a doctor instead about professional removal.

Most modern techniques of moles removal are quick and painless. Your doctor or dermatologist will advise you on the appropriate treatment for you.

Because there is a strong link between developing red moles and exposure to the sun, it is important to keep out of the sun as much as possible and use a high factor sunscreen.

Even when the temperature is not particularly high, it is important to remember that the sun can still be strong during this weather condition. Therefore wear a sunscreen or moisturizer even on cooler days. This will ensure added sun protection. Avoid sun beds and lying out in the sun. If you are out in the middle of the day, consider wearing a hat as the sun is strongest at this period.

Even though many people get more worried about red moles than ordinary moles, the real cause for this worry is the connection between moles and skin cancer.

Generally, moles are really only of concern when they begin to change in some way because this suggests that the cells are changing into something that may be more alarming, known as malignant melanoma.
When your mole starts to grow, change into a more irregular shape, starts to bleed, or becomes very itchy, report to your doctor for further investigation. Knowing and being familiar with your moles will help you to quickly identify whether the moles are growing or changing.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Is Mole Removal Painful And What Should Someone Expect?

I wondered if mole removal is painful and what are some things I should be aware of. I've had two entire toenails removed which wasn't the most pleasant of experiences and I wondered if that would be worse than getting moles removed.

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

You will be given local anesthetic to numb the area before the surgery is performed. The procedures are quite different depending on the method used. Visit the website below for details on each surgery procedure employed to get rid of unwanted moles. Source(s):


Discover How To Use Mole Removal Creams At Home

Discover How To Use Mole Removal Creams At Home
By Avent Laforge

Mole removal at home is something that many people with skin moles may have considered, but either they never got round to trying it or maybe they are too scared to attempt it.

This is especially true if the mole in question is a facial mole. The last thing anyone wants is to make things worse and be left with a facial blemish larger than the mole they were trying to get rid of.

So let us take a look at your options for home mole removal.

Your first option is to buy one of the mole removal creams on the market. There are several brands of creams that will remove moles. Some can also be used for removing warts and skin tags.

The process for all of these mole removal creams is very similar as they require a topical (local) application to the mole (or moles), using a cotton bud, leaving the skin around the mole free of any cream.

Prior to application it is necessary to open the mole with a sterile needle and in some cases they recommend you abrade the surface with an emery board or something similar.

This allows the applied cream to penetrate the mole and to start the removal process working. A small band-aid dressing is then applied to keep the mole removal cream in contact with the mole and to stop it being smeared onto the surrounding skin or being wiped off by accident.

It is customary to apply the cream at night and let it get to work while you sleep. In the morning you can wash as normal and apply a fresh band-aid to keep it clean.

Some mole removal cream manufacturers claim that only a single application is necessary while others suggest several applications will be required.

The timescale for the mole to be removed can vary according to the size and type of mole and the reaction of your immune system to the applied cream. Generally you need to allow between three and six weeks for the mole to disappear or in some cases, drop off.

As there is no incision (except for mild abrasion of the mole) the risk of scarring is extremely small, although you may have a slightly reddened area where the mole used to be, this will soon fade.

Following treatment with these mole removal creams, it is important to protect the mole site from strong sunlight, to minimize any adverse reaction and allow the skin to heal fully.

One final note of caution:

This form of mole removal is suitable for cosmetic purposes only. If you have a mole anywhere that is causing you concern by growing, itching or unprovoked bleeding, you are advised to consult your doctor or dermatologist without delay. Atypical moles can develop into melanoma (a virulent form of skin cancer) and early detection is essential as melanoma kills.

Learn more about skin moles in general and for our latest mole removal cream review visit

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Some Natural Mole Removal Remedies

Some Natural Mole Removal Remedies
By Anib Patel

A mole (or nevus as it is called in the medical world) is a round or oval shaped growth found on the skin surface. Usually it is brown in color but some can be pink, red or even black. It is a very common skin blemish and is found anywhere on the entire body, particularly the face, arm and chest area. Some infants are born with it, while some adults develop them as they age. For some individuals the imperfection disappears with time, while in other cases they remain for life. If you do have an unsightly mole and would like nothing more than to have it removed, consider a natural mole removal remedy.

Nevi, plural for nevus, are nothing more than a build up of skin pigments. Skin pigments are the cells in our body that give our skin its color. The mole can be found by itself or with a few others. It is interesting to note that there really is no function or use for a mole. For many of us who do have them, they are totally harmless. In today's world with so much importance of wanting to look picture perfect, many individual opt to have the mole removed by a physician. Why not try a natural mole removal remedy as it has no side effect and it could save you some money in this economy.

Before using any over the counter ointment or an at home natural mole removal remedy, consult your family doctor as some moles do tend to become cancerous. Be aware of any change in the look of the mole, and report it to your dermatologist immediately. As a good measure, do monthly body evaluations on all your moles and be sure to pay your dermatologist a visit each year. In the summer months, take extra precautions, as that is when the sun's ray is really harmful, and a spot can lead to skin cancer. A mole can be removed by using an over the counter product. It can be removed surgically by a doctor or dermatologist.

You will be surprised to know that some ingredients in your pantry are used as a natural mole removal remedy. Here are some popular remedies that are used with some success.

Ground flaxseed and flaxseed oil can be bought at your local grocery store. Take these two ingredients and mix with honey to form a thick paste. Apply to the blemish and after some time the mole should fall off. Peel a potato and cut a few slices and use this on the mole by gently rubbing it.

Another natural way to get rid of a mole is to use a mixture of baking soda and Castor oil. Apply to the mole daily and watch it disappear. As much as we love the taste and smell of garlic, it contains sulfur juices in it, which will cause the mole to fall off. This is a very popular and effective method of an at home mole removal remedy.

Purchase a bottle of iodine and apply to affected area daily to dry out the mole and cause it to fall off. We all know that aloe vera gel has many beneficial properties. Well one of them is that it will cause the mole to disappear cleanly and painlessly.

So here are just a few natural mole remover remedies. Try it, it might just work for you. If you are taking any other medication or are allergic to some medications, be sure to consult your doctor before you begin any at home treatment.

Article Source:

Facial Mole Removal Secret

Tuesday 6 September 2011

The One Thing You Should NEVER Do to Get Rid of Moles!

If you are in any way embarrassed with moles or wondering what is the best way to get rid of stubborn moles then read this article to the end.

Let a former Mole Sufferer show you how to permanently get rid of embarrassing moles following these 23 Natural Home Remedies.

You are about to discover the most powerful secret to get rid of moles permanently following this Natural Mole Removal Treatments In Just 7 Days.

Her name is Rachel Rohanna. She Got Rid Of Moles following these methods". These mole removal methods worked not only for her but also for hundreds of others who followed these "home-remedies". She has now revealed these secrets in her book, Mole Removal Made Easy.

Here are some of what Mole Removal Made Easy will teach you;

  • The warning signs of a possibly malignant mole. See how to clearly recognize any possible concerns quickly and accurately!

  • Did you know that melanoma is the fastest growing cancer for women between the ages of twenty and thirty-nine? How much does genetics play a part in your risk of developing cancer? Find out inside.

  • Good signs revealed... for instance, are you aware that moles with hair sprouting from them are typically healthier. Cancer, like melanoma, kills hair follicles. So that hair is a good sign that you likely have a mole that is not mutating into something dangerous.

  • Are moles genetic? Should you carefully look at your family history when you are examining your moles? Does your family have a history of having cancerous moles and is this important to know?

  • WARNING: The ONE THING you should never do when removing your moles or warts... it's just not worth the potential problems this can cause you!

  • Uncover the 7 Most Telling "Red-Flag" ALERTS that indicate your mole might be more serious and you need to get a medical doctor to take a look at it - the sooner the better! pg.
  • Do I need a biopsy? What exactly IS a biopsy? Do they hurt? Am I given an anesthetic for a biopsy? How long do results take to get back? All covered in chapter #3 along with a list of questions to ask your doctor about your moles in general.

    Don't worry - the good news is that the majority of the time none of this is needed - it is good you now have "Say Goodbye to Moles" handy if it is though, agreed?

  • More of your Questions Answered like... If my biopsy comes back positive for cancer, what are the treatments for skin cancer? How successful are they? Will I need chemotherapy or additional medications? Will I have to take off of work? Everything is covered inside for you...

  • If your biopsy comes back negative, will your insurance company cover the removal of the mole anyway? Many won't! What are your options for removal then?

    This is what "Say Goodbye to Moles" is written for - to show you safe, natural methods you can use and compare to the medical solutions available... inside, you see all of the options available and decide for yourself what's best for you.

  • What kind of doctor should you visit to get your moles looked at? Your family practitioner? A Dermatologist? A Cosmetic Surgeon? Each is carefully reviewed for you inside - in less than 7 minutes, you'll determine for yourself which is best for you.

  • Uncovered! Proven Natural remedies and Holistic Mole removal methods -- currently almost two dozen of them inside for you to use! All proven, tested and documented to work. Twenty Three (23!) Natural Home Remedies Revealed! 

    Click Mole Removal Made Easy!"for instant access.