
The One Thing You Should NEVER Do to Get Rid of Moles!

If you are in any way embarrassed with moles or wondering what is the best way to get rid of stubborn moles then read this article to the end.

Let a former Mole Sufferer show you how to permanently get rid of embarrassing moles following these 23 Natural Home Remedies.

You are about to discover the most powerful secret to get rid of moles permanently following this Natural Mole Removal Treatments In Just 7 Days.

Her name is Rachel Rohanna. She Got Rid Of Moles following these methods".

These mole removal methods worked not only for her but also for hundreds of others who followed these "home-remedies". She has now revealed these secrets in her book, Mole Removal Made Easy.

Here are some of what Mole Removal Made Easy will teach you;

  • The warning signs of a possibly malignant mole. See how to clearly recognize any possible concerns quickly and accurately!

  • Did you know that melanoma is the fastest growing cancer for women between the ages of twenty and thirty-nine? How much does genetics play a part in your risk of developing cancer? Find out inside.

  • Good signs revealed... for instance, are you aware that moles with hair sprouting from them are typically healthier. Cancer, like melanoma, kills hair follicles.

    So that hair is a good sign that you likely have a mole that is not mutating into something dangerous.

  • Are moles genetic? Should you carefully look at your family history when you are examining your moles? Does your family have a history of having cancerous moles and
    is this important
    to know?

  • WARNING: The ONE THING you should never do when removing your moles or warts...
    it's just not worth the potential problems this can cause you!

  • Uncover the 7 Most Telling "Red-Flag" ALERTS that indicate your mole might be more serious and you need to get a medical doctor to take a look at it - the sooner the better!

  • Do I need a biopsy? What exactly IS a biopsy? Do they hurt? Am I given an anesthetic for a biopsy?
    How long do results take to get back? All covered in chapter #3 along with a list of questions to ask your doctor about your moles in general.

    Don't worry - the good news is that the majority of the time none of this is needed - it is good you now have "Say Goodbye to Moles" handy if it is though, agreed?

  • More of your Questions Answered like... If my biopsy comes back positive for cancer, what are the treatments for skin cancer? How successful are
    they? Will I need chemotherapy or additional medications? Will I have to take off of work? Everything is covered inside for you...

  • If your biopsy comes back negative, will your insurance company cover the removal of the mole anyway? Many won't! What are your options
    for removal then?

    This is what "Say Goodbye to Moles" is written for
    - to show you safe, natural methods you can use and compare to the medical solutions available... inside, you see all of the options available and decide for yourself what's best for you.

  • What kind of doctor should you visit to get your moles looked at? Your family practitioner? A Dermatologist? A Cosmetic Surgeon? Each is carefully
    reviewed for you inside - in less than 7 minutes, you'll determine for yourself which is best for you.

  • Uncovered! Proven Natural remedies and Holistic Mole removal methods --currently almost two dozen of them inside for you to use! All proven, tested and documented to work. 23 Natural Home Remedies Revealed!

    Click Mole Removal Made Easy for instant access.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

What You Need To Know About Red Moles

Moles are just small areas where more pigment cells have accumulated on the skin’s surface. They are not usually painful, may not be removed and are generally no cause for concern except for cosmetics reasons.

However, moles can be embarrassing if located in a prominent position and you want them removed.
Though the exact causes of moles are not known, it is suspected to have a genetic link; i.e. having lots of moles on the skin seems to run in families.

Generally most moles are brown, but there are some that appear red in color. These types of moles are medically known cherry angioma and are mostly found more on the torso rather than on the face or limbs. They are blemishes arising from small blood vessels that supply blood to the skin known as capillaries.

Even though red moles may look alarming, they are no more dangerous than the normal moles. There may be no reason to remove red moles unless they are located on embarrassing parts of the skin that creates a feeling of self-consciousness or if they cause you irritation by rubbing against clothing.

There seems to be a direct link with being exposed to the sun and developing red moles on skin.
Since these types of moles are closely linked to the blood vessels, they usually bleed heavily when cut. If you have red moles on your skin which are causing you embarrassment, do not try to remove these sorts of moles at home on your own, speak to a doctor instead about professional removal.

Most modern techniques of moles removal are quick and painless. Your doctor or dermatologist will advise you on the appropriate treatment for you.

Because there is a strong link between developing red moles and exposure to the sun, it is important to keep out of the sun as much as possible and use a high factor sunscreen.

Even when the temperature is not particularly high, it is important to remember that the sun can still be strong during this weather condition. Therefore wear a sunscreen or moisturizer even on cooler days. This will ensure added sun protection. Avoid sun beds and lying out in the sun. If you are out in the middle of the day, consider wearing a hat as the sun is strongest at this period.

Even though many people get more worried about red moles than ordinary moles, the real cause for this worry is the connection between moles and skin cancer.

Generally, moles are really only of concern when they begin to change in some way because this suggests that the cells are changing into something that may be more alarming, known as malignant melanoma.
When your mole starts to grow, change into a more irregular shape, starts to bleed, or becomes very itchy, report to your doctor for further investigation. Knowing and being familiar with your moles will help you to quickly identify whether the moles are growing or changing.

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